School Threat Assessment & Anonymous Reporting
GRREC’s STOP School Violence Prevention Program, STAAR (School Threat Assessment & Anonymous Reporting), is a three-year federally funded grant with the goal of preventing and reducing school violence.
To meet our goal, STAAR has three main objectives: 1) implement school threat assessments; 2) implement school intervention teams to identify potential school violence risks among students; and 3) promote district STOP (Safety Tip-line Online Prevention) tip lines and other anonymous reporting options.
STAAR is designed to build capacity in each school, district and across the GRREC region by working side by side with districts, School Safety Coordinators, and districts’ local law enforcement agencies to assess school safety and security risks and develop an all-hazards approach to school safety.
The grant will also provide specific trainings for schools or districts around school safety and violence prevention identified through school security risk/safety assessments.